Year Three English classes at SJKC Perting are always a lot of fun! The pupils are excited to learn and communicate with their teachers which can lead to productive and at times hilarious English lessons! Their confidence in speaking English is no problem.
Finding new and exciting ways to teach them language points and topics can be more of a challenge. Their much loved English teacher Soo Kim Cheng has no problems rising to this challenge and always has interesting materials and activities prepared.
The topic of this lesson was phonics and pupils were quick to pick up the correct pronunciation. They were also able to blend and segment the target vocabulary without any problems.
Pupil comprehension of the subject matter was checked as individuals and groups were called upon to read, recite, blend and segment.
It is important to mention that we must teach target language and sounds carefully and methodically, and that pupils' comprehension and understanding must be ensured before moving on to the production stage of a lesson.
The production stage of this English lesson included pupils reading and reciting a simple 'tongue twister' as fast as they could.
A tongue twister is a sequence of words or sounds, typically of an alliterative kind, that are difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly. For example, she sells sea shells on the sea shore.
You can find or even make tongue twisters to suit any sound/ sounds that you are teaching and they are great way for pupils (and teachers) to have fun with language while practising phonics at the same time!
Through having fun pupils become more relaxed and less afraid of making mistakes therefore more confident in attempting to take on the challenges faced when learning a new language.
The pupils in this class had a great time tackling this tricky tongue twister challenge and it was good to see an alternative phonics activity being put to good use. Thank you to Mme Soo and her Year Three class for an enjoyable lesson packed with active language learning and much laughter!